Isaac Weitzhandler

Isaac studied Chemical Engineering as an undergraduate at the University of Southern California, and is currently investigating the self-assembly properties of elastin-like polypeptides. In his spare time he enjoys playing tennis, running, and reading. He is a proud supporter of USC Trojan football, Duke basketball, and the Portland Trail Blazers.

Additional Information


Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering (in progress), 2012 - present.
Duke University

M.A. Bioethics and Science Policy (in progress), 2014 - present
Duke University

B.S. Chemical Engineering, 2008 - 2012.
University of Southern California


Whitaker Foundation Summer Grant, 2015
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013 - present.
Presidential Scholarship (University of Southern California), 2008-2012.


Link to Chilkoti Group Publications

A Paclitaxel-loaded Recombinant Polypeptide Nanoparticle Outperforms Abraxane in Multiple Murine Cancer Models. J Bhattacharyya, JJ Bellucci, I Weitzhandler, JR McDaniel, I Spasojevic, X Li, C-C Lin, J-TA Chi and A Chilkoti. Nature Communications. 6 (2015): 7939.

Ring-Opening Polymerization of Prodrugs: A Versatile Approach to Prepare Well-Defined Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles. J Liu, W Liu, I Weitzhandler, J Bhattacharyya, X Li, J Wang, Y Qi, S Bhattacharjee and A Chilkoti. Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2014): ASAP.

Noncanonical Self-Assembly of Highly Asymmetric Genetically Encoded Polypeptide Amphiphiles into Cylindrical Micelles. JR McDaniel*, I Weitzhandler*, S Prevost, KB Vargo, M-S Appavou, DA Hammer, M Gradzielski and A Chilkoti. Nano Letters. 14.11 (2014): 6590-6598.

J. Dhandhukia, I. Weitzhandler, W. Wan, J.A. Mackay. Switchable Elastin-Like Polypeptides that Respond to Chemical Inducers of Dimerization. Biomacromolecules. 14:4 (2013): 976-985.

M.K. Pastuszka, S.M. Janib, I. Weitzhandler, C.T. Okamoto, S. Hamm-Alvarez, J.A. Mackay. A tunable and reversible platform for the intracellular formation of genetically engineered protein microdomains. Biomacromolcules. 13:11 (2012): 3439-3444.